October 10, 2024

Excellent Cat Care Produces A Healthy Cat

Cats | Cat Care | Cat Health | Cat Training

Cat care is an integral part of keeping your cat happy and healthy. The more you know in regards to cat care, the more equipped you’ll be to meet your own feline’s physical and emotional needs. The healthier your cat, the better your cat’s attitude will be and the more you’ll be able to enjoy [...]

Sammy the Bully… What to do with an aggressive cat?

Cat Behavior Aggression

Recently my husband and I were giving Penelope our Torti a bath and after her towel drying session, (which might I add is the only part she seems to tolerate) we opened the door for her to make her great escape… when she was ambushed by Sammy “the bully”. He is the newest member of our [...]

Living In Harmony Or Perhaps At War? Having More Than One Cat…

Cat Behavior In A Multi Cat Household

I have eleven cats and I can’t imagine any of them would want to be without each other. They live like brothers and sisters, one big happy kitty family and I can’t picture me living with only one cat either. For people who adore cats, having only one is never enough. Instead of having just one cat to call your own, you [...]

5 Ways To Tell If Your Cat Is Ready For Toilet Training?

Cat Training On Toilet

At the end of a long day, who wants to sift through a messy cat litter box? Certainly not me. Until recently, the litter-box has really been a necessary evil, a small price to pay for our beloved companions. However not any longer. Actually, there’s an underground alternative made for those of us who’re ready to [...]

Learn Your Cat’s Body Language… Know Your Pet

Cat Training | Cat Behavior | Cats | Cat

Meow! That’s the noise you hear when you meet your cat walking down the hallway. He will move with his head and tail held high, looking straight in your eyes and emitting a faint sound summoning you to follow him wherever he goes. That is your cat? Right? The fluffy little mass, whose behavior looks very unusual sometimes, and leaves you [...]