February 9, 2025

Ollie’s Story

Cat Images Ollie

(aka Mr. Bubbles)

My husband and I were heading home from a trip early one Saturday morning when my husband spotted something in the road ahead and decided to stop and investigate. It was a small kitten around three months old that had apparently been hit by a car.  He was still alive, barely and was unable to move his body and was meowing and hissing fearfully. My husband and I grabbed a towel and a cardboard box and carefully scooped him up and took him to the local animal hospital.

Upon arriving he was immediately seen by our vet and the prognosis was not good. Our vet said he had swelling of the brain and paralysis and not to get our hopes up because he didn’t feel he would make it through the night. We prayed for a miracle for the little guy and that is exactly what happened, when we arrived on Monday they said to their amazement he was doing much better and one of the staff members said “He actually dragged himself to the food bowl to eat.”

He had to stay in the animal hospital for approximately six weeks and continued with his treatment and rehabilitation, one of the other vets felt that due to the severe head injury that Ollie had sustained he would be permanently blind.

Well, after many weeks we were able to bring him home and I can proudly say he has regained most of the use of his legs with the exception of this left front leg which he keeps tucked under him most of the time (my husband says Ollie likes to use it like a kick-stand, lol). The biggest miracle of all is his eye sight, which he regained completely a couple of months after the accident. Now he chases the laser mouse toy like a pro and even with only three legs he can still give the rest of his kitty brothers a run for there money!

We have now had Ollie for over five years and he is definitely a joy, I can say with confidence, he is a kitty cat miracle.

Please come back often and visit the catloversdiary.com for great content, teaching you how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with your pet and get great advice on cat care tips and training to take the best possible care of your cat so they will enjoy a long and healthy life!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my contact form.

Warmest Regards,
-Velita Livingston

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