September 18, 2024

How To Get Rid of Fleas in Your House

How To Get Rid of Fleas

When you own cats, you are at risk of having fleas on your cats and in your house. The odds are increased if they are indoor/outdoor cats. Fleas are almost microscopic in size and difficult to eliminate. If you want to know how to get rid of fleas in your house, then you need to [...]

How to Stop Your Cat From Peeing Outside the Litter Box

Cat Training | Stop Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box

If you’re a cat owner, then no doubt you have a litter box for your kitty. Unfortunately, some cats do need encouragement to use the litter box, and some owners end up wondering why they are not doing so. First and foremost, if you’re having problems with your cat peeing outside the litter box; take [...]

Guidelines to Good Health for Your Pregnant Cat

Pregnant Cat Care | Healthy Pregnant Cat

Sometimes we find ourselves caring for a pregnant cat, be it a stray that you’ve taken in or someone else’s cat you’re caring for. Regardless, I don’t encourage allowing cats to become pregnant, unless you’re a licensed breeder, I’m a proponent of spaying and neutering your pet. But I do always get excited when witnessing [...]

5 Tips When Caring for Your Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll Cat | Ragdoll Cat Breed

This is a great article about cat care for the Ragdoll cat breed. These cat care tips are not only fantastic tips for Radoll cats, but they are beneficial tips for any cat breed. For example, the tip in reference to not letting your Ragdoll cat outdoors alone… I think this is an excellent tip [...]

Tips to Make Cat Grooming a Pleasant Experience

Cat Grooming | Cat Care | Cat Health

Like most pets, cats have certain grooming and health requirements to keep them looking and feeling their best. The grooming process for most cats is often an unpleasant experience, especially when it comes to getting baths or having their nails trimmed, but these things must be done. The following tips will help cat owners learn [...]

Catnip…Is It Dangerous to Your Cat’s Health?

Catnip | Cat Care | Cat Health

There are about 250 different species of catnip, but the figure can easily be more if you consider hybrid species as well. This particular herb is believed to be effective for influencing cat behavior. How does catnip work for cats? This herb contains nepetalactone, which is a special type of essential oil found on the [...]

Are You Allergic to Your Cat?

Allergies To Cats | Cat Care | Cat Health

Our pets help us live longer healthier lives. This is especially true of the elderly and those who live alone. Pets make great trustworthy companions, because they are always there for us. Nevertheless, this kind of relationship may turn out to be strained, and sometimes broken when someone in the household develops an allergy to [...]

7 Tips on How to Ease the Stress of Vet Visits

Cat Health | Cat Care | Cat Behavior | Vet Vist

Simply mention the “V” word, and you will most likely have frantic cats along with cowering canines. But a trip to the vet doesn’t have to be disturbing. Here are a few suggestions for making the experience much more pleasant for everyone: 1. Be relaxed as well as upbeat. Animals pick up on our body [...]

Benefits of Purchasing Cat Furniture for Your Pet

Cat Furniture | Cat Care

In the event you may be among the fortuitous people in the world to own one or possibly many cats, then congratulations you’ve chosen one of the best domestic pets to own. If you’ve made the decision to own a cat, then you’ll want to be the best cat owner possible. Obviously you do. Much [...]

4 Things to Consider Before Declawing your Kitty

Cat Health Declawing

Declawing can be described as significant surgical treatment known as onychectomy, carried out under anesthesia that takes away the end of each digit (from the very first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws. There exists a slight possibility of death within the surgical treatment, and a declawed cat might have an elevated chance of infection [...]