September 18, 2024

7 Tips to Entice Your Cat to Drink More Water

Cat Dehydration

Most cat owners can attest to the fact that cats are finicky. They will only eat certain kinds of food out of a certain type of bowl. What many people don’t realize is that this rule applies to water as well. In general, cats do not drink enough water and this can lead to various [...]

Diabetes in Cats: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Cat Diabetes Symptoms

Feline diabetes does not differ much from the human version of the same disorder. It has generally the same symptoms, causes, and dangers, making it just as important to treat and diagnose in a cat as it is a human. Untreated diabetes will shorten a cat’s lifespan dramatically and could lead to several complications. The [...]

Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Cat Hair Loss Causes and Treatment

Sometime during your cat’s life they may experience hair loss, this can be something that is perfectly normal and will clear up on its own. However, you should never wait more than a few weeks if your cat is experiencing hair loss, instead you’ll need to consult with your local veterinarian. This is because despite [...]

Discover What You Need to Know Before Purchasing Pet Insurance for Your Cat

Pet Insurance For Your Cat

We all love the cats in our life and this of course means that we want to care for them whenever they become sick. The problem that we face however is that in order to help our cat through any illness we will be have to be faced with expensive vet bills. Those that have [...]

Cat Worms… Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Cat Worms Symptoms and Treatments

“All kittens are born with worms”, this is what the vet said to me while I was having a stray kitten treated for an upper respiratory infection. That little stray kitten turned out to be our Lydia, who originally made her way into our yard through the small holes (1¾ inch x 1¾ inch) in [...]

How To Get Rid of Fleas in Your House

How To Get Rid of Fleas

When you own cats, you are at risk of having fleas on your cats and in your house. The odds are increased if they are indoor/outdoor cats. Fleas are almost microscopic in size and difficult to eliminate. If you want to know how to get rid of fleas in your house, then you need to [...]

Guidelines to Good Health for Your Pregnant Cat

Pregnant Cat Care | Healthy Pregnant Cat

Sometimes we find ourselves caring for a pregnant cat, be it a stray that you’ve taken in or someone else’s cat you’re caring for. Regardless, I don’t encourage allowing cats to become pregnant, unless you’re a licensed breeder, I’m a proponent of spaying and neutering your pet. But I do always get excited when witnessing [...]

7 Tips on How to Ease the Stress of Vet Visits

Cat Health | Cat Care | Cat Behavior | Vet Vist

Simply mention the “V” word, and you will most likely have frantic cats along with cowering canines. But a trip to the vet doesn’t have to be disturbing. Here are a few suggestions for making the experience much more pleasant for everyone: 1. Be relaxed as well as upbeat. Animals pick up on our body [...]

Pick The Right Vet, Your Pet’s Health Rests In His Hands

Cats | Cat Care | Cat Heath | Cat Vet Visit

The most essential decision a pet-parent has to make is that of selecting a vet. It’s the veterinarian who will understand your pet in the event they should get sick and also your vet who will care enough to stay in the for front of advancements in preventative veterinarian medicine. By no means should you choose a vet simply because [...]

Excellent Cat Care Produces A Healthy Cat

Cats | Cat Care | Cat Health | Cat Training

Cat care is an integral part of keeping your cat happy and healthy. The more you know in regards to cat care, the more equipped you’ll be to meet your own feline’s physical and emotional needs. The healthier your cat, the better your cat’s attitude will be and the more you’ll be able to enjoy [...]