January 21, 2025

4 Things to Consider Before Declawing your Kitty

Cat Health Declawing

Declawing can be described as significant surgical treatment known as onychectomy, carried out under anesthesia that takes away the end of each digit (from the very first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws. There exists a slight possibility of death within the surgical treatment, and a declawed cat might have an elevated chance of infection [...]

Tips on Choosing the Cat Breed That Is Right for You…

Ragdoll Cat Breed

There are quite a few cat breeds on the market. If you’re like most people, you don’t understand much about them. In order to help you make an informed decision about the different cat breeds, here’s some helpful information. Do you want a cat that will entertain himself and not get into trouble? Then don’t [...]

Pick The Right Vet, Your Pet’s Health Rests In His Hands

Cats | Cat Care | Cat Heath | Cat Vet Visit

The most essential decision a pet-parent has to make is that of selecting a vet. It’s the veterinarian who will understand your pet in the event they should get sick and also your vet who will care enough to stay in the for front of advancements in preventative veterinarian medicine. By no means should you choose a vet simply because [...]