September 18, 2024

How to Care for Your Senior Cat

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Like people, your cat will need a bit of extra help as they get older. This could be a change in their eating habits, however more often it’s because older cats are more prone to illness. It is important for the health of the animal that you learn proper cat care for your senior cat. This is the only way you can ensure they will live a long and happy life, in fact, with good veterinary care a cat can live up to 20 years.

There are a number of ailments that could set in as your cat begins to age. It’s important that if you notice any of these signs, that you get in touch with a veterinarian as soon as possible in order to preserve your cat’s health. Some of the more prevalent clues that could indicate something is not right with your cat’s health could include vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite or perhaps they don’t seem as playful as they were in the past. Either of these could indicate that something is seriously wrong with your cat; thankfully most can be treated easily as soon as a vet has been informed. Just remember to keep an eye out for your cat acting a bit ‘unusual’.

Senior CatOf course, caring for a senior cat isn’t just looking out for illnesses that may have presented themselves. There are a number of things that you should be doing on a regular basis in order to guarantee the cat’s health:

The most important is that you switch them to a ‘senior cat’ diet. As a cat becomes older the nutrients that they require will change, actually requiring fewer calories. Your vet may be able to suggest the best diet for your cat; however most supermarkets and pet stores should also be able to offer the same information. If you leave them on the same diet they were on when they were ‘younger’ it could result in obesity, which has the same side effects as if it presented itself in humans.

Groom your cat regularly! Like humans your cat will be less ‘flexible’ as it becomes older. Grooming regularly will help combat diseases such as arthritis which often present themselves in older cats. Don’t forget to cut their claws often as well, since they will be less active in their older age they won’t wear down as quickly and thus can become ‘stuck’ on various things.Velita Livingston, EzineArticles Diamond Author

You will need to take your cat to the vet on a regular basis. They will carry out a complete check of your cat’s health to ensure that no ailments are starting to present themselves. They will also carry out a dental check to see if there is any pain in the mouth. On top of all this they will also be able to describe some measures that you can put in place to help protect the health of the animal.

Just following a few of these simple tips will guarantee a long and rewarding relationship for you and your beloved pet.

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About Velita Livingston

Velita Livingston is the founder and editor of the Cat Lover's Diary blog. The site provides rich content with great advice on cat care tips and training, teaching you how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with your cat. Click here to watch the Cat Lover's Diary Movie created by Velita. It contains breathtaking images and heartwarming quotes... It will uplift and inspire you! Visit: to learn more about Velita or follow her on Twitter.